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Creative Energy Unfloding
A Near-Uprising Situation?
Arup Baisya
Of late people have been witnessing a situation of near-uprising which is generated by two apparently segregated but intertwined large-scale mass-movements. The movement against NPR-NRC-CAA which is designed to launch a body blow to the Indian civilisation and democracy and the participation of about 25 crore workers primarily against the wage-code which curtailed the legal rights of the working class, had the mutual complementary effect to give rise to such near-uprising situation. This people's activity has released the creative energy with a long-term consequence. This creative energy not only gave birth to the innovative forms of movements, but also unleashed new dimensions of popular practising art and culture. This is a creative energy which was non-existent in the status-quo of mutually alienated diverse communities prior to uprising. The question arises how this became possible for new creative energy to surface and how the observers could identify it as something new which was non-existent earlier.
The way new qualities emerge due to the chemical reactions within the matters, the conflict which arises due to the accumulated vibrant social interactions gives rise to new creativity through the transformation of qualitative change of time. Such change of time is not unrelated to the space. One would have failed to identify this change if the space and time are mutually segregated. This new space-time which Indians at the moment are observing through the unleashing of creative energy is the real Indian society. But in reality it as near-uprising because of the fact that it is not elevated to such an orbital level that the arrow of time cannot be reversed towards the centre for a new status quo ante. The efforts to reverse the direction in ongoing in the political arena.
This people's movement tantamount to an uprising has been directed against the fascist form of the same state and social structure. This too has also reverberated in diverse qualitative and quantitative dimensions in consonance with the uneven development of Indian landscape. The rule of the state and the illusion of the commodity fetishism which stand as barriers in between the diverse communities as driving force to obscure the social relations has not yet become the target of people's consciousness.
The rhetorical political discourse based on conspiracy theory to delineate the good or bad character of the parties and the personalities in the anti-fascist camp hinders the people's activism to visualise their objective goal and thus unconsciously pursues them to land in inactivity once again in favour of status quo. The anti-fascist people's movement can advance themselves to a higher plank through mutual co-operation amongst class-caste-identity and cultural groups by meticulously building a critique of liberal democracy and through new debate and discussions on the new construction of co-operation beyond the law of value.
To achieve this, it is imperative that a country-wide popular front is emerged from within the anti-fascist people's movement which will not only be active to safeguard constitutional democracy, but also directed towards real federalism for shifting the state power at the door of the people, towards challenging the capitalist mode of production by incorporating the agenda of redefining the production and labour process through factory council, peasant association etc., by challenging the commodity production and law of value by ensuring free education, healthcare and other services necessary for livelihood and welfare, by giving birth to a new initiative on practicing culture against the hedonistic and feudal culture.
The self-regulated and quasi-autonomous people's initiative based on this socio-political outlook can compel the political parties to rise above their petty squabbles and to focus on their immediate task to electorally defeat the fascist forces and simultaneously adopting the agenda of state policy keeping an eye on the desire of the people's activism. Such people's movement may be able to create the popular pressure to dissuade the political parties from smear campaign and rhetorical verbosity and socially aimless mudslinging in the pretext of liberal democracy. Such emancipation can only show the dream of a new dawn to the Indian people. Otherwise, amidst a deep crisis of capitalism, there can be no relief from fascism or overwhelming destruction, the status quo ante will once again set in to keep people waiting for a menacing future.
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